Contrary to some of my doubts and fears, winter in my tiny home has been wonderful. My problem has not been feeling cramped and wanting more space, but actually just wanting to be here more often. Going to work takes up so much time in one's day!
I think that I am continuing this blog, at least through one year, just to let anyone who is interested in cutting things down in their life know that it can turn out OK. More than OK really. I'm loving this space, and the lighter lifestyle and greater freedom that it gives me. Through the winter it has been warm and cozy. It's not quite as fuel efficient as I had hoped, but so far between electricity and propane it is running around $100 per month for energy, even counting the colder months, so that's not too bad. In the summer it is more like about $30, and quite a lot of that is the service charge from BC Hydro. So - operating and owning costs are fairly small.
It's nice to know that being able to be comfortable and content doesn't require nearly as much "stuff", or as much space, as we generally tend to believe!
Here are some winter pictures - outside and inside:
Inside is cozy and warm
a full moon
and a foggy day..